Planning Proposal in respect of land at 231 Pacific Highway and 20 Ashbrookes Road Mount White
A Planning Proposal was prepared for Lot 1 DP 207158 and Lot 1 5476226 at 231 Pacific Highway and 20 Ashbrookes Road, Mount White.
The Planning Proposal details an amendment to the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) 2022 to permit ‘restaurant or café’ as a permissible land use at 20 Ashbrookes Road, Mount White. The objective was to recogonise the existing Saddles Restaurant on the site, which currently operates as an ancillary use to the garden centre.
The Planning Proposal also addressed permits to a range of other land uses at 231 Pacific Highway, Mount White (that occurs on the opposite side of the road), which include ‘hotel or motel accommodation’, ‘restaurant, or café, ‘small bar’ and ‘business premises’ (to permit a day spa). It was proposed to make these land uses permissible through Additional Permitted Uses.
The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation were on exhibition between 10 February and 9 March 2023 at:
- Wyong Office: 2 Hely Street, Wyong
- On this page
The community were invited to read the FAQs (below) and view the Draft Planning Proposal (main document and technical documents) available in the Document Library on this page.
Have your say
Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 9 March 2023 via:
- the online submission form
- email:
- post: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259
The Planning Proposal was drafted in accordance with Section 3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. A gateway determination under Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act was issued by the Department of Planning & Environment.
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Segmented Documents
Planning Proposal
Agency Comments
Council Report
Gateway Determination
Technical Studies
Who's listening
The purpose of this Planning Proposal is to:
- Allow the Additional Permitted Uses of restaurant or café, small bar, hotel or motel and business premises (to permit a small day spa) on the cleared areas of 231 Pacific Highway; and
- Allow the Additional Permitted Use of restaurant or café at 20 Ashbrookes Road.
The Additional Permitted Uses across both allotments are mapped on the relevant cleared portions of the sites (as shown in Figure 2).
The Planning Proposal is not proposed to rezone the sites, the RU1 Primary Production Landuse zoning and associated permittable land uses are to be retained.
Central Coast Council will consider any submissions made during the public exhibition period at a future Council Meeting and will review the Planning Proposal.