A Planning Proposal was prepared for 49 lots at Calga and Glenworth Valley:
- 1992 and 2070 Peats Ridge Road, Calga
- 48 and 51 Polins Road, Calga
- 8, 45 and 81 Cooks Road, Calga
- 69 and 69A Cooks Road, Glenworth Valley
The Planning Proposal sought to include additional permitted uses on certain parts of the land including:
- eco-tourist facility
- recreation facility (outdoor)
- camping ground
- tourist and visitor accommodation
- function centre
- entertainment facility
- food and drink premises
- extensive agriculture
The Planning Proposal did not propose to change the zoning of the land, which is part E2 Environmental Conservation and part RU2 Rural Landscape.
The Planning Proposal and other relevant supporting documentation were exhibited between 22 November and 20 December 2021 at:
- Wyong Office: 2 Hely Street, Wyong (subject to COVID restrictions)
- On this page
The community were invited to view the Draft Calga and Glenworth Valley Planning Proposal (main document) and supporting documentation available in the document library on this page.
Have your say
Submissions were addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 20 December 2021 via:
- the online submission form (preferred)
- email: ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
- post: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259
Central Coast Council is authorised to exercise the functions of the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces under section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (making of the plan) that are delegated to it by the Gateway Determination dated 6 August 2020, in relation to the planning proposal.
Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.
Segmented Documents
Planning Proposal
Council Report and Resolution
Agency Response
Supporting Studies
Who's listening
What was the purpose of the Planning Proposal?
The purpose of the Planning Proposal was to enable additional permitted uses on the subject land which relate to outdoor recreation activities and forms of tourist accommodation.
Where will these additional permitted uses be located?
These proposed additional uses will be located on certain areas of the property as indicated on the plan comprising part of the exhibition material. Most of the additional uses are proposed to be located on cleared areas of the land.
What development was proposed for the site?
No specific development was proposed as part of the Planning Proposal. The Planning Proposal sought to permit certain additional uses on the site in defined locations for which future development consent can be sought for those additional uses.
Was the Planning Proposal rezoning the land?
The Planning Proposal was not proposing to change the existing E2 Environmental Conservation and RU2 Rural Landscape zones applying to the subject land.
Did the Planning Proposal permit outdoor music festivals?
An outdoor music festival does not fit within the definition of an “entertainment facility” or a “function centre” which are additional permitted uses proposed within the Planning Proposal.
Outdoor music festivals are considered a temporary use of land under clause 2.8 in Gosford Local Environmental Plan 2014, which states:
Despite any other provision of this Plan, development consent may be granted for development on land in any zone for a temporary use for a maximum period of 28 days (whether or not consecutive days) in any period of 12 months.
What happens after the public exhibition period?
Central Coast Council will consider all submissions made during the public exhibition period and will review the Planning Proposal.