A Planning Proposal (107/2020) and Draft Planning Agreement was prepared for Lot 16 DP 255220, No 18 Macleay Avenue, Woy Woy (the site).
The Planning Proposal sought to rezone the western part of the site from RE1 Public Recreation to R1 General Residential the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022.
The vacant land is in an established residential area and adjoins land already developed for medium density housing. The Proposal would enable the provision of affordable rental housing to meet the needs of the community.
On 15 June 2021 Council resolved to prepare the Planning Proposal to rezone the land. At this time Council also resolved to enter into a Planning Agreement with the landowner to dedicate the eastern part of the land to Council for a drainage reserve, and to include the two adjoining pathways into the subject land. Dedication of the eastern part of the site to Council will enable that part of the drainage system being brought into public ownership for the benefit of the community.
On 20 October 2021 the, then, Department of Planning Industry and Environment issued a Gateway Determination.
The Planning Proposal and other relevant supporting documentation were exhibited between 4 August and 1 September 2022 at:
- Wyong Office: 2 Hely Street, Wyong (subject to COVID restrictions)
- On this page
The community were invited to view the Planning Proposal (main document), draft Planning Agreement and supporting documentation available in the document library on this page.
Have your say
Submissions were addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 1 September 2022 via:
- the online submission form (closed)
- email: ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au
- post: PO Box 20, Wyong NSW 2259
Central Coast Council is authorised to exercise the functions of the Minister for Planning under section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (making of the plan) that are delegated to it by the Gateway Determination dated 20 October 2021, in relation to the planning proposal.
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Segmented Documents
Planning Proposal
Strategic Document Links
Gateway Determination
Council Report
Technical Studies
Who's listening
What is the purpose of the Planning Proposal?
The purpose of the Planning Proposal is to rezone the vacant, western part of the land from RE1 Public Recreation to R1 General Residential under Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022.
What residential development is proposed for the site?
No specific residential development is proposed as part of the Planning Proposal. However the Proponent is an affordable housing provider and it is intended to develop the land for medium density affordable housing.
What are the proposed planning controls for the site?
The Planning Proposal proposes to zone the site to R1 General Residential and includes other mapping layers relating to building height, floor space ratio and minimum lot size. Other development controls for future development are set out in the Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022.
What is happening to the eastern part of the land which is not being rezoned?
The eastern part of the land is a vegetated watercourse which forms part of the local drainage system. It is proposed that that area remain zoned RE1 Public Recreation and be dedicated to Council for the purpose of a drainage reserve. There will be public benefit for this land being in public ownership. The process to achieve this outcome is included in the draft Planning Agreement.
What is happening to the pathways adjoining this land?
The pathways located to the north and south of the land do not serve any function that benefits Council or the community. It is proposed to close both pathways and consolidate the land into the subject site. The process to achieve this outcome is included in the draft Planning Agreement.
What happens after the public exhibition period?
Central Coast Council will consider any submissions made during the public exhibition period and will review the Planning Proposal. Once Council is satisfied that all issues have been satisfactorily addressed, the Planning Proposal will be finalised under delegation.