Design update - December 2021

December 2021 project update

As a result of detailed design refinement, the design of the Del Monte Place Road and Drainage upgrade has been updated from the version that was open for community comment in February and March 20020. 

The key design changes are as follows: 

  • "Give Way" sign changed to a "Stop" sign at the intersection of Vista Avenue and Del Monte Place to improve road user safety at this location. 
  • Parking bay provision reduced between Vista Avenue and Captain Cook lookout access road to mitigate construction safety risks. 

The community was invited to: 

Whilst changes to the technical aspects of the design may not be able to be accommodated, Council accepted feedback until 10 January 2022. 

This project is 100% funded by the Australian Government as part of the $86.5 million Central Coast Roads Package through the Urban Congestion Fund.

Project overview

Central Coast Council is planning a major upgrade of a 1,500 metre section of Del Monte Place, Copacabana from Segura Street to Oceano Street and recently sought the communities feedback.

The project will include construction of a new footpath and will provide substantially improved access to the Winney Bay Reserve for motorists and pedestrians.

Preparation works for Stage One – involving vegetation removal and relocation of a water main – are scheduled to begin in April 2020 with the road construction planned for commencement early in the 2020-21 financial year.

The community was invited to view the concept plans, read the Frequently Asked Questions for the project, attend the drop-in information session and provide feedback on the project via the interactive map.

This project is funded by the Australian Government through the Urban Congestion Fund with a total project cost of $10 million.

Consultation Results

Council has reviewed all the feedback received during consultation and will consider the communities and ideas when preparing the detailed designs. 

The community is invited to view the detailed Consultation Report available in the Document Library. 

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Infrastructure Services

How was Del Monte Place identified as a priority project?

The Del Monte Pl upgrade project is part of the Central Coast Roads Package funded by the Australian Government through the Urban Congestion Fund with a total project cost of $10 million.

How wide will the footpath be?

A 1.5m footpath has been provided on one side of the road. The 1.5m width will minimise impacts on the ability to maintain reasonable vehicle access to properties that have steep vehicle access and to minimise works within private property.

What vehicle parking will be provided as part of the road upgrade?

Formalised parking on the road verge(between kerb and boundary) will be provided by concrete parking bays along one side of the road.

When will the upgrade be complete?

Construction of the full length of the upgrade project, between Segura Street and Oceano Street, is expected to be completed by the end of the 2023/24 financial year.

How many stages are involved in the project and when will they be happening?

There will be 3 stages of construction, beginning at the Segura Street end of the project in the 2020/21 financial year, and continuing sequentially up the hill to complete at Oceano Street by the end of the 2023/24 financial year.

How many trees will be removed to complete the road upgrade?

Tree removal required for the project will be kept to a minimum. The current count suggest 92 trees and shrubs will be removed over the 1500m length of the project.

Will the trees be replanted?

Yes. Two native trees of a similar species will be replanted at a nearby location for every tree that is removed during the project.

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