Tunkuwallin Recreation Precinct Plan Development, Gwandalan

Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Council is planning for the ongoing development of recreational infrastructure at Tunkuwallin Oval in Gwandalan that will meet the needs of the local community and support a wide range of activities, users, ages and ability levels now and into the future.

Project status

The final design plans for Tunkuwallin Recreation Precinct Plan are now available for the community to view. The planned future improvements to the site will encourage social connections and provide further opportunities for the community to enjoy the outdoors.

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Final Precinct Plan available to view

Frequently asked questions

What is a precinct plan?

The co-location of recreational facilities in a single location, such as Tunkuwallin Oval, improves inclusion, activation and social engagement across age and cultural groups. A precinct plan is being developed to ensure Council considers the following competing factors when developing the plan: 

  • land size, 
  • existing uses and infrastructure,
  • potential future uses, 
  • proximity to residences, 
  • visual surveillance, 
  • pedestrian and vehicular access, 
  • parking, 
  • the inclusion of ancillary infrastructure, as well as
  • the environmental setting. 

What is the precinct plan aiming to deliver?

The Precinct Plan aims to deliver an overarching plan that enables Council to develop a high-quality recreational facility that will meet the needs of the local community and support a wide range of activities, users, ages and ability levels now and into the future.

Why is Council planning a redevelopment for Tunkuwallin Oval?

In 2019 Council resolved that a district level playspace will be provided for the community at Tunkuwallin Oval and has been listed as a project to be implemented within Council’s 2020/21 Capital Works Program. This is an opportunity for Council to have a look at the existing layout and consider all elements and functions of the facility when deciding where to locate the new playspace. 

Council has engaged a consultant to engage with the local community, undertake an analysis of the site and prepare the precinct plan. The precinct plan will then guide future redevelopment of the facility. 

How long until the precinct plan is completed?

There will be two phases of community consultation as part of the development of the precinct plan. Phase one includes the gathering of information from the community and stakeholders to enable development of the draft precinct plan. 

Once the draft precinct plan has been prepared, phase two will present the plan back to the community and stakeholders to provide an opportunity for comment prior to finalisation of the plan. 

The precinct plan was completed in September 2020.

What is a district level playspace?

Central Coast Council play spaces are divided into three levels; local, district and regional. A district level play space is larger in size, has a greater capacity and is intended to attract residents from across the Local Government Area (LGA). They typically include play equipment and activities to cater for a wider age group and people tend to stay for longer periods of time; 1-3 hours. District play spaces are accessible by public transport and are co-located with other facilities such as parking, toilets and shared paths.

When will the playspace design be available?

Community consultation for the new district playspace will be undertaken in October/November 2020. The feedback received during from the consultation will be used to select the play equipment and develop the design. The design is expected to be complete in March 2021.

What will the play space look like? Will the community have a say in the type of equipment installed?

The playspace will incorporate play equipment suitable for a variety of ages and abilities and will include pathways, seating and picnic shelters.

Separate community consultation will be undertaken for the new district playspace to be constructed in the Tunkuwallin Oval Recreation Precinct

Who is going to maintain the skate park, playspace and park furniture?

As land manager and asset owner, Council will maintain these facilities in the long term.

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