Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Central Coast Council is proposing a new amenity block in Spencer. To help us develop our proposal, we are looking to the local Spencer community for feedback on potential locations and its overall look and feel.

Community consultation

Between 26 June and 23 July 2020, an online survey was available for community members. Participants were able to select their preferred site for the amenity block or put forward an alternative site for investigation. The survey also allowed the participant to have their say on the overall look and feel of the proposed amenity block. 

This survey closed at 5pm, Thursday 23 July 2020.

The results of this survey are now available.

What's next?

The feedback we received from this survey will directly inform our proposal for the amenity block. We are aiming to submit the proposal to Council by the end of this year, and – subject to budget and funding – construction to commence in 2021.

Concept plan

We have developed a concept plan of an amenity block that shows the building footprint and space required for the infrastructure needed (disabled parking space, access ramp and water tanks). The height of the building will be determined based on the final location and river/tidal flood levels.

Proposed locations

Below is a map with our current proposed locations:

  • Site one: The site of the existing amenity block (Wisemans Ferry Road)
  • Site two: South east of the private wharf
  • Site three: The area near the public wharf
Map of Amenities block

Construction update

The construction of the new Spencer Public toilet building continues.    
There was an anticipated completion date of pre-Christmas however unavoidable delays, including obtaining required authority approvals and contactor availability, means the completion is now expected in the new year (weather and other unforeseen events pending). 
The temporary toilets provided for public use during the construction period will remain on site until the new facility is open for use.   Council is currently looking into the provision of additional or upgraded temporary facilities to accommodate an increased need over the holiday period and will further communicate any updates on this to the community. 
Council’s apologises for any inconvenience and will deliver this community facility as soon as possible.

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Reviewing feedback and writing proposal
Who's listening
Graham Thomas - Section Manager

Do you have any current plans developed for this amenity block?

Council has developed a concept plan to provide a perspective of a building which includes: 

  • One accessible (disabled) toilet

  • One male ambulant toilet

  • One female ambulant toilet

Other considerations include access (ramps and stairs), an adjacent accessible (disabled) parking spot and set down area.

The concept plan has a skillion roof line (raked), which is a standard design for these types of buildings which provides several advantages over other roof profiles.

While Council has a number of standardised finishes, there is opportunity for the Spencer community to individualise the look and feel of the building as well as potential locations.

What locations are being proposed for this amenity block?

Currently there are three proposed locations for this amenity block. The first is the current site of the amenity block, located on Wisemans Ferry Road, the second is south-east of the private wharf and the third is near the public wharf.

However, we are open to looking at other sites for this proposal, as long as they meet the required site conditions – so please complete the survey to have your say.

Spencer Amenities Block

 What site conditions are required to determine a suitable location for the amenity block?

Site conditions play an important role in determining the location and design of a toilet. A suitable site must provide adequate space for:

  • adequate space available to meet the requirements for a complaint toilet

  • parking and access for both abled and disabled persons

  • not impose on safety of traffic (avoid creating blind spots)

  • required setbacks from the adjacent waterways, Hawkesbury River / Mangrove Creek

  • holding tanks for effluent, and water for flushing and personal hygiene.

What are the specific site conditions needed for this proposed amenity block?

Site conditions play an important role in determining the location and design of a toilet. At Spencer specific site conditions include:

  • limited space for all the infrastructure required for a compliant toilet

  • correct building height to mitigate issues from flooding

  • protecting the environment during construction and ongoing operation 

  • proximity to Wisemans Ferry Road traffic.

What are the design requirements of this amenity block?

The public toilets must comply with several legislative and Australian Standards requirements and align with Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

What are the minimum building requirements for this amenity block?

As a minimum, the design of a public toilet must include one unisex accessible toilet. Subject to site conditions and demand, additional toilets can be added to the design. This is usually in the form of two ambulant toilets (one male and one female).

Council’s designs have been developed through years of experience providing both ease of build, budget control and management of ongoing maintenance and cleaning.

Have you considered waste management options?

Yes. Effluent will be flushed into a holding tank and removed from site. This will address issues of unpleasant odours associated with other means of effluent management.

Have you considered water tanks for this amenity block?

Yes. We are proposing storing a water tank on site for flushing, hygiene and cleaning.

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