Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Central Coast Council has developed a concept design for a local level playspace, skatepark and pump track within the Kariong Oval Precinct.  The Recreation Area will be located on the Curringa Road frontage nestled between two clusters of existing Eucalypt trees. 

The vision of the development is to produce a high quality inclusive facility that will create opportunities for play, social engagement and an active outdoor lifestyle for a wide range of ages, ability levels and cultural backgrounds across the Central Coast.

Convic were engaged as the design consultant to assist Council in providing community engagement to create a community responsive brief that informed the design and decision-making process and final draft.


Between 8 March and 21 March 2021, Council, with Convic invited the community to have their say during the pre-design consultation phase.

The community were invited to:

  • Complete the online survey (now closed)
  • Attend a pre-design workshop (hosted by Convic) on Thursday 11 March at Kariong Community Hall at 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
    The workshops were open to everyone that had an interest in the project and wanted to have a say in the way it is designed and the different elements that can be included. Bookings were not essential but COVID check in on the day was.

The consultation report for the site analysis and pre-desgin consultation is available here.

Between 6 May and 17 May 2021, Council, with Convic invited the community to have their say on the draft concept design.

The community were invited to:

  • Complete the online survey (now closed)
  • Attend a concept design workshop (hosted by Convic) on 6 May at Kariong Community Hall at 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
    The workshops were open to everyone who had an interest in the project and wanted to have a say on the way it looks and the different elements. Bookings were not essential but COVID check in on the day was.

A consultation report for the concept design consultation is available here.

Concept designs

Following extensive community consultation a final design for the Kariong Oval Recreational Area has been developed. You can view the design here.

Council will be using Local Infrastructure Contributions to fund this project. Local Infrastructure Contributions (also referred to as Development Contributions) are charged by Council when new development occurs. These contributions fund local infrastructure needed to support an increased number of residents in the area. This type of local infrastructure typically includes local roads, stormwater and drainage, shared pathways, parks, playspaces or other recreational areas, environmental land and community facilities.  For more information on Development Contributions and to view all Council Contribution Plans, go to Council's main website.


Council has started construction of the new skate park and pump track at Kariong Oval, which is due for completion by May 2023.

Community participation in engagement activities shaped the design of the new skate park and pump track and informed the decision-making process for this project.  

Plans for a local level playspace were also developed in the concept plans alongside the new skate park and pump track. Construction costs have increased significantly since the original budget estimates and concept plans were developed, therefore the playspace component will be delivered by Council after additional funding is confirmed.

Read more here


Doc View


Construction commenced

Who's listening

Who's listening
Paddy Doolan – Project Manager

Where is the proposed Recreation Area to be located?

The Facility is to be located within the Kariong Oval precinct on Curringa Road.

What will happen to the existing skate park located near the Central Coast Highway underpass?

The existing skate park will be decommissioned after the opening of the new facility. The location of the existing skatepark in the back corner of the precinct attracts undesirable behaviour and does not provide an inviting and safe environment for young people to enjoy.  

How was the proposed location selected?

The existing skatepark is located at the back of the Kariong Oval precinct and has resulted in undesirable behaviour occurring causing large ongoing maintenance costs and creating an unsafe environment.  The location on the Curringa Road frontage will increase natural surveillance into the facility mitigating unsocial behaviour.   

How is the project being funded?

This project is funded using Local Infrastructure Contributions, which means that the funds have been specifically set aside for this project. By carrying out this engagement at concept design stage, we ensure the community’s views are considered and included in the final product.

What happened to the playspace?

Plans for a local level playspace were also developed in the concept plans alongside the new skate park and pump track. Construction costs have increased significantly since the original budget estimates and concept plans were developed, therefore the playspace component will be delivered by Council after additional funding is confirmed.

When will the new skate park and pump track be complete?

Construction of the new skate park and pump track commenced early 2023, and due for completion by May 2023.

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