Consultation is now closed on this project

Council is planning an upgrade of the intersection of Hobart and Melbourne Avenue including the reconstruction of Melbourne Avenue between Hobart Avenue and Adelaide Avenue at Umina Beach.

The proposed upgrade includes the installation of traffic signals, dedicated turn lanes, bike lanes, kerb and gutter, parking, pathways, lighting, storm water drainage, driveway reconstruction and replacement tree planting. The existing pedestrian crossing on Hobart Avenue would be removed as part of the works.

This project aims to make the existing road environment safer for all road users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. 

Community Consultation

Council delivered a letter box drop to 94 residents on 27 July 2020 to inform the local community about the proposed works.
The community was invited to provide feedback between 31 July and 20 August 2020. Council developed an online survey and encouraged the  community to share their thoughts about the intersection and review the draft design plans. 

  • 40 people participated in the online survey.
  • 23 respondents expressed support for the current design plans.
  • 21 respondents would like to see the footpath extended to Brisbane Avenue.
  • 7 respondents expressed a preference for a roundabout
  • 6 respondents didn’t feel that traffic lights were warranted

Other suggestions or matters raised included:

  • Private property and access concerns
  • Preserving the Gum tree on Hobart Avenue
  • Keeping a traffic attendant to manage the area

The community also provided feedback on several other intersections in the local area for Councils future consideration

Next Steps

We are currently reviewing the feedback received. This valuable information will be used to help finalise the design drawings.  
Funding for construction has not yet been secured and we will inform the community of the final design and proposed timing once known.


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David Mowll

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