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Central Coast Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for the Central Coast Airport, informed by feedback collected via a 2021 telephone survey and through industry engagement undertaken in 2021/22. 

The Masterplan details the development of land surrounding the Central Coast Airport at Warnervale and presents the Central Coast with a new economic sector that will stimulate employment and economic activity. 

Under the proposal, Council intends to confirm those areas of Porters Creek Wetland that can be established as a stewardship site.  As a stewardship site, the biodiversity values of Porters Creek Wetland will be protected in perpetuity. 

Airports form an integral part of the Australian economy and are critical in connecting communities and enhancing the broader economic performance. Without access to local aviation services, the capacity for local trade and tourism to grow and compete with other major regional centres will be constrained. As the ninth largest region in Australia, the Central Coast is recognised as a substantial and significant growth corridor, yet it remains the only major population centre without a recognised and supported airport.

There have been many technical, financial, social and environmental complexities worked through in the development of the draft Central Coast Airport Masterplan. 

The draft masterplan provides a roadmap for development of the airport precinct over the next 10 years. Safeguarding the airport by upgrading the runway and taxiways to a Code 2B in accordance with aviation design authority classification, gives greater clarity to potential and future use of the airport. 

The runway is recommended to be widened from 10 metres to 23 metres, with the length remaining at 1200m. This will allow the airport to accommodate a wider array of aircraft up to an initial maximum take of weight (MTOW) of 10,000 kg, including but not limited to commonly utilised aircraft such as Beech King Air, Cessna Citation and the Beechcraft 1900.

The length of the runway is not suitable for regular passenger transport (excluding charter), with the masterplan seeking to explore expanded general aviation uses which may include, hangars, aircraft maintenance, charter operations, pilot training, aircraft sales and leasing, airport-related intermodal logistics, research and development.

The draft masterplan allows for the opportunity to expand employment activities, encourage greater tourism and has been developed in consideration of the important ecological constraints surrounding the airport lands and Warnervale Employment Zone (WEZ). Future investigation into the potential land use is proposed to both the west and east of the airport: 

Airport Masterplan Stages

The outcomes of these areas will be supported by a detailed analysis of the ecological constraints to determine the preferred land use. This information will be reported back to Council for further consideration: 

Biodiversity-Stewardship Considerations

Consultation update

Between 14 December 2023 and 13 February 2024, we sought community feedback using an interactive map and encouraged written submissions. We also conducted a telephone survey of residents in potentially affected suburbs.

A total of 118 written submissions were received during the consultation period. Of the 118 submissions received, 76 were positive towards the airport masterplan, 33 were negative, and 9 were neutral.

A total of 108 comments were made by 56 individuals on the interactive map.

A random telephone survey of 294 Central Coast residents was conducted between the 14 and 20 March 2024. 83% of residents survey indicated they are at least somewhat supportive of the masterplan.

View the consultation report and the results of the telephone survey for more insights.

Next steps

We have listened to your feedback and will now be carrying out further studies to give greater clarity into the future operations at the airport. These technical studies include: 

  • a Noise Impact Assessment, including the development of a ‘Fly Neighbourly Policy’ and Air Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contour mapping. 
  • a review of the general arrangements with technical setouts to ensure compliance with civil aviation legislation. 
  • economic feasibility modelling to inform a business case to be considered by the newly elected Council. 

Once these technical studies are completed, the Central Coast Airport Masterplan will be amended and presented to Council with a recommendation to adopt.

An adopted masterplan does not commit Council to any financial obligations.

Once Councillors are elected, a business case and various investment options to progress the airport will be presented to the elected Council for consideration.

Any work associated with the masterplan, including rezoning, would not proceed until a business plan is endorsed by the elected Council.

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