This public exhibition has now concluded.

Central Coast Council invited the community to provide their feedback on the revised Community Strategic Plan (CSP) between 20 December 2021 and 21 January 2022. 

In acknowledgement of the financial situation and the community sentiment, Council revised the CSP, which is the highest level of Strategic Planning undertaken by local council and identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community. The CSP provides Council with a clear set of objectives to achieve the community vision and sets the ten-year plan for the future. 

Under normal circumstances a full review of the CSP would not be required until a local government election is held however, since its adoption in 2018 - Councils financial situation has significantly changed. The current CSP does not reflect the current community sentiment, nor does it acknowledge Council’s commitment financial responsibility on behalf of the community. 

Central Coast Council is currently under administration and considering the options available to maintain its services and rates via the Special Rate Variation process with IPART. As part of the Special Rate Variation (SRV) process, Council must re-exhibit the CSP. As part of the re-exhibition Council has strengthened the Responsible theme to better reflect community sentiment and further demonstrate Council’s commitment to financial responsibility. 

The community is invited to view the revised Community Strategic Plan and supporting documents available in the document library on this page. 

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer between 20 December 2021 and 21 January 2022.

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Outcomes of exhibition

Thank you to those who provided submissions and feedback on the draft Revised Community Strategic Plan. All feedback has been thoroughly reviewed and recommendations were made in a Council Report.  

At the meeting of Council on 3 February 2022, Council noted the submissions received during the public exhibition period and resolved to adopt the Revised Community Strategic Plan. 

As also noted, Council will undertake another exhibition in May 2022. As Council has had to unavoidably exhibit these IP&R documents over the December 2021 and January 2022 holiday period. These documents do not come into effect until 1 July 2022 and given their importance, this will allow for further amendments, based on community feedback, to be considered.

Will Council proceed with its application to IPART

Yes. At the meeting of Council on 3 February 2022, Council resolved to proceed with its application to IPART to secure the current rate income for a further 7 years. 


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Who's listening

Who's listening
Sharon McLaren – Section Manager, Corporate Planning and Reporting

What is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)? 

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) represents the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by a local council and identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community, providing a clear set of objectives to achieve this vision. It is a ten-year plan for the future.

Council has a custodial role in engaging, refining and preparing the plan on behalf of its community. Council must always keep the CSP at the forefront when planning, designing and implementing projects, to make sure it is delivering on the Community’s desires and needs.

The inaugural Community Strategic Plan, One - Central Coast, was adopted by Council on 25 June 2018.

How does the Community Strategic Plan align with the other strategic documents such as the Resourcing Strategy and the Delivery Program (including Operational Plan)? 

The CSP is the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by a local council and identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community, providing a clear set of objectives to achieve this vision. The Delivery Program (including Operational Plan) then details what actions, projects, programs and activities Council will do in order to achieve those objectives. The Resourcing Strategy supports the Delivery Program and identifies how Council will deliver those actions, projects, programs and activities through its finances, people and assets.

Why is Council revising the Community Strategic Plan? 

Since its adoption Council’s financial situation has significantly changed. The CSP as it stands does not reflect the current community sentiment or acknowledgement of Council’s commitment to financial responsibility on behalf of the community.

In usual circumstances a full review of the CSP isn’t required until a local government election is held. As Central Coast Council is currently under Administration, the elections have been deferred by the Minister for Local Government until later in 2022. In this intervening time, it is important that the CSP still reflects the community’s wants and needs now, recognising that a full CSP review will be undertaken with the community and elected body once the elections are held.

How can I have my say on the revised Community Strategic Plan? 

The community were invited to have their say on the revised Draft Community Strategic Plan between 20 December 2021 and 21 January 2022. This could be done by: 

An additional public exhibition period for the Community Strategic Plan will be provided in May 2022 at which point a more comprehensive review will have been undertaken in consideration of the IPART Special Rate Variation determination. 

A comprehensive review of the Community Strategic Plan will be triggered by the local government election. A date for the election is yet to be announced by the Minister for Local Government but is expected to occur sometime in late 2022.  

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