This public exhibition has now concluded.

Central Coast Council prepared a draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy to manage the supply of housing within the region. 

The Local Housing Strategy has been developed following extensive community consultation in 2022 and is an action emerging from the Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS). 

The Strategy explores the challenges associated with housing such as continuing rapid population growth, the shortage of low-cost rental accommodation and the lack of diversity within the existing housing stock and identifies a vision and key objectives to address these challenges.

A coordinated approach across all levels of government and the private sector is required to support diverse and sustainable housing on the Central Coast. Council is able to directly influence housing typologies and supply through land use zoning, development approvals, development charges as well as some infrastructure delivery, the Local Housing Strategy will ensure this is done in a coordinated and collaborative manner.  

Have your say 

Between 15 March and 3 May 2023, Council invited the community to find out more on the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy by: 

  • Reading the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy 
  • Viewing the Frequently Asked Questions (available below) 
  • Attending a drop-in information session at: 
    • Woy Woy Library on Tuesday 21 March between 10am and 12pm
    • Lake Haven Library on Thursday 23 March between 9.30am and 11.30am
    • Let’s Talk Gosford at Parkhouse, Kibble Park on Thursday 30 March 
      • Business leaders and operators between 10am and 12pm  
      • Community between 1pm and 4pm)   
  • Submitting a question via the online question and answer tool (now closed)

The community were invited to make a submission on the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy via: 

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.

Consultation results 

Thank you for letting Council know what is important to you so we can ensure the final Central Coast Local Housing Strategy reflects the values of our community. Council have developed an engagement summary based on the submissions received which you can view here. 

On 27 May 2023, Council hosted a stakeholder forum with key community, government and industry personnel. 

Closing the loop 

Following the feedback received during public exhibition, Council staff reviewed all submissions and prepared a report on the outcome of the public exhibition process for Council's consideration. It was presented to Council at the 28 May 2024 Council Meeting - Item 2.7 Outcome of Exhibition Local Housing Strategy.

Those who made submissions were notified prior to the Council Report being considered.

Next steps 

Following liaison with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), who are the approval body for Local Housing Strategies, the Central Coast Local Housing Strategy was approved on 10 September 2024.
DPHI thanked Council for the opportunity to review and approve the Central Coast Local Housing Strategy and commended Council on the preparation of the document with a strong foundation of evidence and a robust strategic framework that will increase housing supply, diversity and affordability for the Central Coast.

Council is also preparing a “Housing” page on our website that provides a reference point for all housing related policies, changes and areas of interest. Keep a look out for this on Your Voice Our Coast.

What is the purpose of the Housing Strategy? 

The Central Coast Housing Strategy will set the vision for how we plan for and deliver housing within the LGA.  

What benefits will the Housing Strategy deliver? 

The Strategy links with the housing objectives and targets set out in the Central Coast Regional Plan CCRP 2041 and identifies gaps in supply and demand of housing typologies in consideration of a range of factors including demographic, housing supply and demand and local land use opportunities and constraints.  

Why do we need a Housing Strategy?

All Council’s within NSW have been directed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to prepare a Housing Strategy. Engagement on the discussion paper was the first step in determining the communities needs and wants in relation to future housing on the Central Coast.

Using technical information (some information was included in the evidence base report presented in conjunction with the Discussion Paper) and the results from the Discussion Paper consultation period, Council has developed the draft Local Housing Strategy for the region. 

How will the Housing Strategy influence the actions identified in other strategies and plans?

The Housing Strategy will enable Council to align the vision for the local area with the housing objectives and targets established in the CCRP 2041. Development of the Housing Strategy may trigger the need to review other Council policies and strategies to align all policy directives.

How will the Housing Strategy influence housing typologies on the Central Coast?

The Housing Strategy identifies where the gaps lie in terms of supply for different housing categories and what measures may need to be undertaken to fill these gaps such as land use zoning, development approvals, development charges and infrastructure delivery.

Does the Housing Strategy address and accommodate the projected population growth for the Central Coast LGA?

The Housing Strategy enables Council to align the vision for the Central Coast with the housing objectives and targets as established within the CCRP 2041.

What information was used to inform the development of the Housing Strategy?

Council used community feedback collected during the discussion paper consultation, previous feedback provided throughout the development of other relevant strategies and plans (Local Strategic Planning Statement etc), technical information and industry best practice to inform the development of the draft Housing Strategy. 

What are the next steps for the Housing Strategy?

The draft strategy was publicly exhibited between 15 March and 26 April 2023.  

If the draft strategy is adopted, Council will implement the actions and use the strategy as a reference to guide and inform future development.

How was the community invited to find out more information about the Housing Strategy?

Council invited the community to find out more on the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy by: 

How did the community have their say on the Housing Strategy? 

The community were invited to provide submission on the draft Central Coast Local Housing Strategy between 15 March and 3 May 2023 via: 

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