Consultation has now closed.

On 25 July 2023 Central Coast Council resolved to formally accept the transfer of land at 1A Jaques Street Ourimbah from the University of Newcastle.  

The site is a rectangular block about 1,050 square metres in size and had been owned and used for teaching by The University of Newcastle since 1994.  

Council recognises the importance placed on this site and is now encouraging the wider community to provide feedback on how they would like to see this space used to benefit the local and visiting communities for many years to come. 

On Wednesday 20 September 2023 Council hosted a key stakeholder session attended by local Community Group the Ourimbah Region Residents Association (ORRA), a local resident and student from the University of Newcastle and representatives of local member David Mehan MP. The group shared the following aspirations for the space: 

  • A place where all members of the community can gather  
  • A park with benches and a toilet block with a structure for some shade 
  • Heritage interpretation, and stories honouring the areas rich history 
  • Improved connections between the park and local shops 

We then gathered your feedback to highlight your aspirations for the future of 1A Jacques Street, Ourimbah.

Have your say

The community shared their thoughts, ideas and feedback regarding potential uses for the 1A Jaques St site and provided comment on public domain improvements (such as street and footpath treatments, street plantings etc) and improved connections between the site and the local shops. 

Community consultation was open between 25 September and 30 October 2023 by:

  • Viewing the analysis document 
  • Providing your thoughts via the survey and ideas wall
  • Speaking to Council staff at an informal pop-up on the site from 11am-3pm on Friday 13 October 2023 (address: 1A Jaques St, Ourimbah)

Community feedback regarding potential uses for the site are being considered by Council staff working alongside consultants Atlas Urban Design and Strategy & LOCI Design Collective in the development of the 1A Jaques Street Ourimbah Masterplan and Ourimbah Public Domain Plan.

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December 2023 – finalisation of draft Master Plan and Public Domain Plan

Who's listening

Who's listening
Peta James, Senior Strategic Planner

What is a masterplan?

A masterplan is a document that will set out Council and the community's vision and framework for the future development and uses for the site.  It is based on public input and analysis of the physical characteristics and constraints of the site.  

The community are encouraged to provide feedback on potential future uses for the 1A Jaques Street site that will be considered in the draft the Masterplan.

What is a public domain plan?  

A public domain plan guides the design of streets and public places. It aims to support the revitalisation of local centres, so they become more walkable, user friendly and attractive places. It might include recommendations regarding street and footpath treatments, street plantings etc  

The community are encouraged to provide feedback on the connections between the site and the local shops which will be considered in the draft Public Domain Plan. 

When did Council acquire the land? 

On 25 July 2023 Central Coast Council resolved to formally accept the transfer of land at 1A Jaques Street Ourimbah from the University of Newcastle, which will now be used for community purposes. 

How big is the land and what was the land used for? 

The land at 1A Jaques Street is a rectangular block about 1,050 square metres in size. The site has been owned by The University of Newcastle since 1994, having been used for teaching for over a decade. 

Previously the site was used by the community as the local School of Arts and a Dance Hall. 

Find out more about the site’s history in by viewing the analysis document .

What is Council planning to do with the land? 

The site has now come into Council ownership and as a condition of the land transfer it will be used for a purpose that will benefit the local community.  

Council wants to hear from the community regarding potential uses for the site. 

What will happen to the toilet block? 

Public amenities on the site, which Council returned to operational use earlier this year, will continue to be open and maintained by Council. However, feedback received during consultation will inform what happens to the existing toilet block in the long term. 

What previous engagement has been done?

The Ourimbah Area Strategy and Centre Masterplan adopted by Council in March 2022 identified opportunities for the centre and Jaques St site. 

Council project teams worked alongside consultant Atlas Urban to conduct a series of internal and key stakeholder meetings to gather key data to inform this wider community consultation.   

On Wednesday 20 September 2023, Council hosted a key stakeholder session, attended by local Community Group the Ourimbah Region Residents Association (ORRA), a local resident and student from the University of Newcastle and representatives of local member David Mehan MP. The group shared the following aspirations for the space:  

  • A place where all members of the community can gather  
  • A park with benches and a toilet block with a structure for some shade 
  • Heritage interpretation, and stories honouring the areas rich history 
  • Improved connections between the park and local shops 

We now want to hear from you about your future aspirations for the site. 

How can I have my say? 

You can have your say between 25 September and 30 October 2023 by: 

  • Viewing the analysis document 
  • Providing your thoughts via the survey and ideas wall
  • Speaking to Council staff at an informal pop-up on the site from 11am-3pm on Friday 13 October 2023 (address: 1A Jaques St, Ourimbah)

Why has the Analysis Document been revised?

The consultant Atlas Urban Design and Strategy & LOCI Design Collective produced and Analysis Document to provide contextual and accompanying information to the consultation.

The Analysis Document was revised and re-uploaded to the consultation page on 11 October 2023 to include amendments recommended by our local historian to ensure accurate information was being presented to the community.

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