Central Coast Wellbeing Survey

Central Coast Wellbeing Survey

Community consultation now closed

Project background

We conducted a Central Coast-wide survey from 8 April to 13 May 2024 to understand our community’s perception of their own wellbeing and quality of life. The survey covered the following topics:

  • Your neighbourhood
  • How connected and supported you feel
  • Access to services
  • Safety in your area
  • How you enjoy living, playing, and growing on the Central Coast.

Council has a key role in delivering and advocating for services, infrastructure and programs that connect our communities and make the Central Coast a great place to live.

Following major events such as the global pandemic and natural disasters in addition to other factors like the rising cost of living, we wanted to establish a baseline of how our community thinks and feels about living in the Local Government Area (LGA). 

The results from this survey will now be used to highlight where Council needs to focus efforts and plan future services and programs. It will also help inform our advocacy to other levels of government, to support community wellbeing and address local issues.

Have your say

We invited you to complete the Central Coast Wellbeing Survey between Monday 8 April and 13 May 2024. There was an extension from the original closing date of 10 May 2024 to give you greater opportunity to have your say.

Residents without access to online facilities were given an option to participate in the survey by phone or by filling in a paper survey. More information could have been provided by contacting Council’s Customer Service on 4306 7900.

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.

Consultation results 

Thank you for letting Council know how you felt on topics such as community connectiveness and support, their neighbourhood, personal safety, access to services and facilities, health and wellbeing – and generally living, playing, working, and growing on the Coast. Council have developed an engagement summary (from page 27) which you can view here

Closing the loop 

Following the feedback received during public exhibition, Council staff reviewed all submissions and prepared a report on the outcome of the public exhibition process for Council's consideration. It was presented to Council at the 23 July 2024 Council Meeting - Item 2.15 Community Strategic Plan - Engagement Report 2024. Minutes from the meeting are available to view.


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Who's listening

Who's listening
Merindah Overhall - Innovation & Performance Partner, Corporate Planning & Reporting


What is a Wellbeing Survey?

Central Coast Council is conducting a Local Government Area (LGA) wide survey to understand our community’s perception of their own wellbeing and quality of life here on the Central Coast. The survey should take you around 10-15 minutes to complete.

The survey covers the following topics:

  • Your neighbourhood
  • How connected and supported you feel
  • Access to services
  • Safety in your area
  • How you enjoy living, playing, and growing on the Central Coast.
Why is it happening?

Following the global pandemic and the rising cost of living, Central Coast Council is keen to establish a baseline of how our community thinks and feels about living in the LGA.

This is something other councils also conduct on a yearly basis to see how their community is going and its links with the Community Strategic Plan.

What does the survey involve?

The survey can be completed online by clicking on the "Have your say" button. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

This survey touches on sensitive topics, so if this raises personal concerns, people are advised to reach out to available support services.  Council’s ‘where to find help’ webpage has some contact information for local health and wellbeing services. 

What is my feedback going to contribute to?

Central Coast Council is pivotal in delivering and advocating for services, infrastructure and events that connect our communities and make the Central Coast a great place to live. The results from this survey will highlight where we need to focus our efforts in terms of service delivery improvement and/or advocacy to other tiers of government and develop strategic documents to address problems.

By partaking in this survey, you are helping Central Coast Council to establish a benchmark of our community wellbeing and quality of life, which will then be used as a baseline going forward. All responses will be anonymous and will not be traced back to you.

What if I don't have access to online facilities?

Residents without access to online facilities, have an option to participate in the survey by phone or by filling in a paper survey.  Find out more, by contacting Council’s Customer Service on 4306 7900

Is the survey anonymous?

Responses will remain anonymous, and participants do not need to enter any identifying personal details. Demographic data such as your age, gender and suburb help to ensure that the thoughts and feelings of a good mix of people on the Central Coast are captured.

Why does Council use money and resources for this project and other social and community activities?

Our Central Coast Community Strategic Plan (CSP) guides how Council plans and delivers a wide range of community services, facilities, and programs to meet community values and needs. 

The Central Coast community told us through engagement activities in the development of the Central Coast Community Strategy Plan (CSP) that that a sense of belonging is important, and Council is committed to strengthening a connection to community and working together to solve pressing social issues, to support those in need and to enhance community safety and community wellbeing.

Council has a key role in delivering and advocating for services, infrastructure and programs that connect our communities and make the Central Coast a great place to live.

The results from this survey will highlight where Council needs to focus efforts and plan future services and programs, as well as advocacy to other levels of government, to support community wellbeing and address local issues.  It also provides Council with a baseline of community sentiment following the global pandemic and current concerns such as the rising costs of living.

How can I have my say?

We invited you to complete the Central Coast Wellbeing Survey between Monday 8 April and 13 May 2024. This was an extension from the original closing date of 10 May 2024 to give you greater opportunity to have your say.

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