As part of the Tunkuwallin Recreation Precinct Plan, a new district playspace has been constructed at Tunkuwallin Oval.
We designed the area to provide spaces for an inclusive, accessible, safe, creative, challenging, enjoyable and sustainable playspace for a broad range of ages and abilities.
Have your say
To ensure the new playspace reflected what current and future users wanted, we invited the community to:
- View the concept layout plan
- Fill out the online survey (now closed)
- Read our general playspace frequently asked questions
- View the consultation summary
Consultation was open from 9 November to 7 December 2020.
This consultation follows previous stakeholder engagement and in-depth investigations by Council for the development of the Tunkuwallin Recreation Precinct Plan to support the provision of play facilities that will cater to the needs of the growing community in the Gwandalan area - now and in the future. This playspace is one of two being delivered at Gwandalan this financial year and funded by developer contributions.
Council will be using Local Infrastructure Contributions to fund this playspace which is due to commence construction in May 2021. Local infrastructure contributions (also referred to as Development contributions) are charged by Council when new development occurs. These contributions fund local infrastructure needed to support an increased number of residents in the area. This type of local infrastructure typically includes local roads, stormwater and drainage, shared pathways, parks, playspaces or other recreational areas, environmental land and community facilities. For more information on Development Contributions and to view all Council Contribution Plans, go to Council's main website.