Consultation for this project has now concluded.

October 2022 project update

Preconstruction works for Stages 3 & 4 of the Tuggerawong Shared Pathway were completed in February 2022 with construction on Stage 3 commenced in May 2022 and nearing finalisation.  The elevated section of shared pathway within Stage 4 is currently underway.  

As a result of continued community feedback and representations on behalf of residents, further investigation of both Option C and A will now be progressed for Stage 5 of this project.  This further investigation will include environmental and constructability considerations and opportunities for external grant funding.  Council is aware of an election commitment that would provide grant funding for the expected cost difference between Option C and Option A.  Following this further investigation, Council will again consult with the community in seeking feedback on both Options C and A, before a final determination on the route is made.  

Project overview

Following the completion of the first stage of the Tuggerawong Shared Pathway (Friday Street to Tuesday Street), Central Coast Council began planning for stages 2 to 5 of the pathway which will see the completion of the popular ‘Tuggerah Lake Loop’.

2020 will see Council invest $705,000 in completing Stage 2 of the project which will connect Tuesday Street to February Street in Tuggerawong. Stage 2 is planned to commence in July 2020 and will take approximately 4 months to complete, weather permitting. Future stages of the project are subject to adoption of yearly budgets and Council will also seek grant funding opportunities.

Stages 2 to 5 Consultation

In August 2019 Council invited the community to have their say on Stages two to five of the Tuggerawong Shared Pathway project. As part of the consultation, the community were invited to:

Comments on the project closed on 16 September 2019.

As a result of detailed design refinement, the design of stages 3 and 4 for the Tuggerawong Shared Pathway were updated from the version that was open for community comment in June 2020. 

The key design changes are as follows:

  • Alignment changes to reduce impact on stormwater drainage and/or to address reported residents’ concerns.
  • Addition of elevated boardwalk to reduce impact on stormwater drainage.
  • Upgrade of pipe crossing to footbridge to reduce impact on stormwater drainage.
  • Removal of additional trees to provide access for construction vehicles and/or to remove falling tree hazards etc.

The community were invited to:

  • view the updated (2021) concept designs in the Document Library of this page
  • contact the project team to discuss the refinements further

Council accepted feedback until 28 January 2022.

Consultation Results

Council has reviewed all the feedback received during consultation and will consider the communities ideas and preferences when preparing the detailed designs for stages 2 to 5 of the Tuggerawong Shared Path. The next steps for the path are as follows:

  • Engage contractors to complete stage 2 of the path with commencement date expected in July 2020.
  • Continue with construction of stage 3 and 4 in the financial years after.
  • Develop concept designs for stage 5 using route Option C.
  • Awaiting development of design.

The community is invited to:

  • View the Engagement Summary available in the Document Library 
  • View the detailed Consultation Report available in the Document Library 
  • View the final design layout plans for Stages 2 to 4 available in the Document Library 
  • View the preferred route Option C for Stage 5 available in the Document Library 

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Stage 3 construction commenced

<p>Stage 3 of the Tuggerawong Shared Pathway has now commenced.&nbsp;</p>

Who's listening
Infrastructure Services

Frequently asked questions

What is a shared pathway?

A pathway that is designed to be used by both pedestrians and cyclists. 

Where is the shared pathway going?

Stage Two of the proposed shared pathway is approximately 750m long and will be in the public reserve along the Tuggerah Lake foreshore between Tuesday Street and February Street.

Stage Three of the proposed shared pathway is approximately 600m long and will be in the public reserve along the Tuggerah Lake foreshore between February Street and March Street.

Stage Four of the proposed shared pathway is approximately 650m long and will be in the public reserve along the Tuggerah Lake foreshore between March Street and Palmer Street.

Will the shared pathway be the same width (3 metres) as stage one?

Yes, the next stages will see a continuation of the 3 metre wide shared pathway. 

How was the pathway identified as a priority project?

This project was identified as a priority project in the Draft Central Coast Bike Plan and has been a community-driven project since 2015 when the Tuggerawong Pathway Committee submitted their letter of support.

This project will increase connectivity for the region by improving access to local shops, a play space and the public school. With five stages planned, this is another step in completing the loop around the scenic Tuggerah Lake.

Who owns the land that the pathway is to be built?

The land that the shared pathway is proposed to be built is managed by Central Coast Council and owned by NSW Crown Land.

How many trees will be removed to construct the pathway?

In stage 2A & 2B there was approximately 30 trees removed. For the stage 3 and 4 based on the design updated in December 2021, it is estimated that approximately 109 trees will need to be removed. The removal of additional trees is required to provide access for construction vehicles and removal of falling tree hazards etc.


How will the construction of stages 3 & 4 be funded and when will the construction commence?

Council is committed to finishing the projects that we start. The current plan is to deliver stages 3 & 4 in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years respectively. The funding for the 22/23 is subject to adoption of the future Capital Works Program by Council. We will continue to actively pursue external grant funding opportunities for future stages past 22/23.

How many rest stops are proposed?

Four additional rest stops are proposed. We invite the community to comment on the proposed locations and number of rest stops.

Have environmental factors been considered?

Yes. The selected route minimises the environmental impact of the project by keeping the need to remove trees to an absolute minimum and by raising the pathway in some locations to avoid disrupting tree roots.

The route has been selected to ensure environmental impacts are kept to a minimum. Council have also taken steps to ensure the shared pathway is as far from property boundaries as possible.

How will the route for stage 5 of the pathway be selected?

We invited the community to tell us their preferred route(s).

We will report back to the community on the feedback results.

And based on the community feedback results, we will then commission survey and design and environmental assessment, to confirm feasibility and estimate cost of potential preferred route(s).

Additional community consultation will then be undertaken to advise the community the outcome of design.

Have environmental factors been considered for all options for stage 5?

At this stage, preliminary environmental impact has been undertaken based on desktop assessment and site inspections. Additional investigations will be undertaken to further assess and mitigate environmental impact of the preferred route(s).

How will the construction of stages 5 be funded?

Construction of Stage 5 is currently programmed for delivery in the upcoming financial years subject to available funding and final confirmation of route/design. Detailed investigation of the Stage 5 preferred route is still required.

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