Consultation for this project has now concluded.

Council is planning an upgrade to the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection at Woy Woy.

The proposed upgrade includes replacing the existing single lane roundabout with a signalised intersection and has been designed to improve traffic flow and travel times. 

This project will deliver immediate improvements to traffic flow – reducing the vehicle queue lengths and will make the existing road environment safer for all road users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians with signalised crossings of each leg of the intersection.

The intersection upgrade project is one of 29 projects to be delivered by Council through $86.5million Central Coast Roads Package, which is 100 percent funded by the Australian Government under the Urban Congestion Fund.

Slider tool: view the current and proposed intersection by dragging the image across using the slider tool below. 

Community consultation

Community members were invited to have their say on the design proposal for the upgrade of the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection at Woy Woy between 9 December 2021 and 17 January 2022 via:

  • Our online feedback form (now closed)
  • Email: 
  • Post: PO Box 20, Wyong, NSW, 2259 

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Community consultation feedback review

Who's listening

Who's listening
Brett Eddy - Project Development Engineer
Infrastructure Services Team

How was the need for the Rawson Road/Ocean Beach Road intersection upgrade determined?

The existing single lane roundabout at the intersection of Ocean Beach Road and Rawson Road, Woy Woy currently experiences poor levels of performance during peak periods and is expected to reach unacceptable levels of performance with projected future traffic growth.

The required upgrade of the intersection had previously been identified in the Peninsula Development Contribution Plan.

What benefits will the project deliver?

The upgrade will deliver immediate improvements to traffic flow – reducing vehicle queue lengths by 66 percent (average maximum vehicle queue length reduced by over 360 metres) and will make the existing road environment safer for all road users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians with signalised crossings of each leg of the intersection.

Have the potentially impacted residents been consulted?

Council has contacted all property and business owners that will be impacted by the project. Council will continue to work closely with these owners to ensure any issues are addressed.

Has pedestrian safety been considered as part of this intersection upgrade?

Yes. Pedestrian walk phases are included as part of the signalised intersection upgrade.

When will construction commence? How long will construction take?

It is anticipated the intersection works will commence in July 2024 and be completed in 2026 over the 24-month period.

How is the Rawson Road/Ocean Beach Road intersection upgrade being funded?

This is one of the 29 projects which is fully funded by the Australian Government’s $86.5M Central Coast Roads Package under the Urban Congestion Fund.

Why is Council consulting on this project?

Community consultation is a requirement under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

The design of the intersection will be developed using best practice industry design guidelines and standards required to ensure the intersection provides an improved level of service for the community.

Community feedback will help shape some elements of the design and/or construction requirements. All feedback will be included in the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for this project, as well as how (if possible) issues raised through the public consultation will be addressed by the project.

How can I have my say on the proposed concept options for Rawson Road?

Between 9 December 2021 and 17 January 2022 you could provide a submission via: 

Outside of these dates, please utilise the who's listening widget to discuss the project directly. 

What other projects are being funded through the Central Coast Roads Package?

For further information visit Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website at

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