This public exhibition has now concluded.

The draft Water and Sewer Community Engagement and Education Strategy outlines how Council will engage, communicate, educate, and continue to improve its water and sewer services, while building trust with customers and the community.

The draft Strategy has been informed by our ‘Improving your water and sewer services’ community engagement from earlier this year. It will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains on track and is adapted to respond to emerging changes in service delivery.  

The draft Strategy addresses IPART’s recommendation for Water and Sewer to enhance its engagement with customers and the community.

The draft Strategy specifically highlights: 

  • How our community’s values and outcomes influence our services 
  • Our engagement principles 
  • The typical engagement process 
  • Water and Sewer’s action plan for community engagement  
  • Water and Sewer’s focus on developing a water-smart community

Have your say

Council sought feedback on the draft Water and Sewer Community Engagement and Education Strategy 2023. Submissions were to be made between 27 September 2023 and 26 October 2023 via: 

When providing feedback to Council, your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.

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Who's listening

Who's listening
Dylan Magrin, Water Education Officer

What is the purpose of this document?

The draft Strategy outlines Council’s commitments to the community, incorporating an action plan for engaging with the community and an education focus on developing a water-smart community. 

The Community Engagement Action Plan within the Strategy includes engagements relating to the Water and Sewer Masterplan, water conservation and water efficiency, IPART commitments around service delivery and future pricing proposals, and establishing a Customer Advisory Group.

Education of our community is built around four focus areas:

  • Build community knowledge through engagement, education, and transparency.
  • Develop young people to be water smart, future focused, and innovative.
  • Collaborate with First Nations Peoples to improve shared water knowledge.
  • Engage and educate businesses and high-water usage non-residential customers so they can be water wise and reduce their impacts on the environment.

Why is community engagement and education important? 

Community engagement refers to how we engage with our community. The process commences with providing information to our customers and community, with the aim to seek and incorporate informed feedback to ensure we reach the best possible outcomes that benefit all stakeholders.

Education is key to effective community engagement and decision-making. It also allows our community to make informed choices that maximise the services we deliver.

How was this document developed? 

The draft Strategy has been developed in consultation with the community and with internal Council stakeholders. It aligns with Council’s corporate approach to community engagement and communications and reflects the community’s values and outcomes about their water and sewer services.  

How will my feedback affect the project?

Even with the engagement history for the project, all relevant feedback on the document will be considered by the project team before the documents are finalised for adoption in November 2023.

How can I have my say?

Submissions for this exhibition are now closed.

The community were invited to have their say on the Water and Sewer Community Engagement and Education Strategy between 27 September 2023 and 26 October 2023. 

Submissions were made between 27 September 2023 and 26 October 2023 via:  

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