This public exhibition has now concluded.

Central Coast Council’s Draft Greater Lake Munmorah Structure Plan will set a coherent framework for development, facilitating the future growth and prosperity of the area, and will identify:

  • Appropriate development footprints for new residential and employment land, and any relevant staging requirements; and
  • Appropriate transport, environmental and open space networks to cater for expected population growth.

This structure plan will be an important step in the implementation of the directions of the NSW Governments Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 (CCRP) and will set the direction for detailed planning instruments including Local Government Plans (LEPs) and Development Control Plans (DCPs), as well as higher level planning tools such as Masterplans and Public Domain Plans.

The community were invited to:

  • View the Draft Greater Lake Munmorah Structure Plan available in the Document Library
  • Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available bellow 

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer between 28 March and 26 May 2019 via: 

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.

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Greater Lake Munmorah Structure Plan adopted
Who's listening
Kathryn Heintz - Senior Strategic Planner
4325 8344

How is Council Planning for the projected growth across Greater Lake Munmorah?

The Greater Lake Munmorah Structure Plan project (Structure Plan) has commenced as a result of an identified need to accommodate population growth in the north-east of the Central Coast LGA. This area has historically been mooted for longer-term development due to surface development restrictions related to underground mining within the area. However, these surface development restrictions over a large part of the study area have now been relaxed by Subsidence Advisory NSW. A number of stimulus developments are also in the planning stages, including:

  •  4 significant rezoning applications lodged.

  • 2 significant recreation facilities (Skate Park and Regional Play-space) proposed for the area.

Therefore an opportunity exists to consider bringing development forward, and consider the study area in its entirety to ensure best outcomes for the current and future residents.

Council recognises the importance of developing a vision for the future development of the Lake Munmorah area, to ensure that development of this area occurs in an orderly and desirable manner. A detailed Structure Plan of the broader Lake Munmorah area is therefore required, prepared in consultation with the community and other stakeholders.

Isn’t much of the land in Greater Lake Munmorah subject to underground mining, resource land and surface development restriction?

This area has historically been mooted for longer-term development due to surface development restrictions related to underground mining within the area. However, these surface development restrictions over a large part of the study area have now been relaxed by Subsidence Advisory NSW.Properties that are still subject to surface development restrictions will be assessed by Subsidence Advisory NSW on a case-by-case basis. 

When will Council fix the roads?

Council is committed to providing key roads and drainage infrastructure across the Central Coast. This includes full road reconstructions, road pavement works, kerb and gutter, footpaths and shared pathways, bus stop improvements, bridge works, drainage installations, and other improvement works. Relevant projects in Council’s road and drainage Capital Works Program include:

  • Mulloway Road from Power Pole VP926 to Trevally Avenue Chain Valley Bay – Minor patching followed by resurfacing of the road – completed ($43,000)
  • Mulloway Road from Chain Valley Bay Road to Power Pole VP926 Chain Valley Bay - Minor patching followed by resurfacing of the road – completed ($58,000)
  • Lakeway Drive from Lauren Avenue to Anita Avenue Lake Munmorah - Minor patching followed by resurfacing of the road – completed ($46,000)
  • Hartog Avenue from Elizabeth Bay Drive to Anita Avenue Lake Munmorah - Minor patching followed by resurfacing of the road – completed ($44,000)
  • Boronia Road and Acacia Avenue intersection Lake Munmorah - Intersection upgrade including traffic islands and signage – completed ($320,000)
  • 315 Pacific Highway to Tall Timbers Road Lake Munmorah - Shared pathway construction – commenced completed ($985,000)
  • Chain Valley Bay Road from Pacific Hwy to Mulloway Road Chain Valley Bay - Road improvements – completed ($1,500,000)
  • Anita Avenue - Terrence to Boronia Road Lake Munmorah – Road cushions – planned for May 2020 (pending weather) ($165,000)
  • Kariola Street, Chain Valley Bay - Minor patching followed by resurfacing of the road – planned for 2019/20 financial year ($9,500)
  • Daley Street, Doyalson North – Sealing Gravel Road – planned for 2019/20 financial year ($83,200)
  • Anita Ave - Footbridge Replacement No.1, Lake Munmorah – planned for 2020/21 financial year ($35,000)
  • Anita Ave - Footbridge Replacement No.2, Lake Munmorah – planned for 2020/21 financial year ($35,000)
  • Carters Rd - Carpark and Road Upgrade Stage 1, Lake Munmorah – planned for 2020/21 financial year ($650,000)

Will Council fix the intersection of Chain Valley Bay Road and the Pacific Highway?

Traffic modelling of the Pacific Highway / Chain Valley Bay Road intersection has shown that the right hand turn movement onto the Pacific Highway from Chain Valley Bay Road currently operates with unsatisfactory average delays. Therefore, this intersection will be required to be upgraded to either a roundabout or signal controlled intersection before further development occurs, however no funding is available at present to undertake these upgrades.

What is Council doing about Public Transport in the area?

Council has consulted with Busways in relation to bus servicing for this area. At present, the study area is serviced by:


  • 4 services to Lake Haven per day, including 3 services from Morisset via Wyee Station to Lake Haven per day (Routes 95, 95X, 96).
  • 21 services to Lake Haven per day, including 3 services from Charlestown via Swansea to Lake Haven per day (Routes 97, 98, 99).
  • 4 services to Morisset via Wyee Station per day (Routes 95, 95X, 96).
  • 4 services to Charlestown via Swansea per day (Routes 97, 98, 99).

Weekends (Saturday only)

  • 8 services to Lake Haven per day (Routes 97, 98, 99).
  • 8 services from Lake Haven per day (Routes 97, 98, 99).
  • 2 services to Swansea per day (Routes 97, 98, 99 - Saturday only).
  • 2 services from Swansea per day (Routes 97, 98, 99 - Saturday only).

Are there plans to connect Mannering Park, Kingfisher Shores and Chain Valley Bay to existing shared pathways?

The Structure Plan contains proposed shared pathways connecting Kingfisher Shores to the current shared pathways on Tall Timbers Road. The Structure Plan also reflects the proposed location of a shared pathway connection from Mannering Park to Tall Timbers Road, Lake Munmorah. Chain Valley Bay South is already connected to the shared pathway system. 

Where will the future sporting complex be built?

At present, the preferred location for future expansion of sporting fields within the study area is the location of the current Gumbuyah Oval facility. It makes sense to expand upon an existing facility rather than start from scratch at a new location. 

What facilities will be included in the future sporting complex?

Additional sporting grounds for field-based sports. 

Is Council committed to setting aside biodiversity corridors in the area?

Absolutely. Ensuring the protection and future success of our regional biodiversity corridor as well as our local biodiversity corridors is a very important component of this Structure Plan. 

How will the proposed biodiversity corridor effect current development applications?

The indicative location of proposed biodiversity corridors is identified within the Structure Plan, to guide development within these locations. Development Applications relating to land within this biodiversity corridor will need to demonstrate how the environmental attributes of the site will be retained and improved, and how legible connections will be implemented. 

What is being done to improve community facilities and halls?

The Structure Plan recommends the following actions:

  1. Upgrade Lake Munmorah Colongra Bay Hall in accordance with the recommendation of the North Wyong Shire Community Facilities Plan 2015.
  2.   Investigate a suitable location for the Multi-purpose community facility in proximity to the Lake Munmorah Local Centre.

Are there any plans to open up more commercial land?

The Structure Plan identifies the expansion of the current Lake Munmorah Local Centre at Tall Timbers Road, and a proposed future potential Neighbourhood Centre at Carters Road. It is likely that the expansion of the Lake Munmorah Local Centre will satisfy the current and future retail catchments for the study area. 

Are there any plans to open up more employment land?

The Structure Plan identifies future employment lands within the western part of the study area, encompassing Doyalson North. However, given the current state of the industrial land market, and the availability of land that is already zoned for industrial purposes elsewhere within the Central Coast Council area, it is unlikely that this land will develop for employment purposes within the short-medium term. 

Will Council fix the entry to and exit from the Carters Road intersection?

Council engaged a consultant to prepare a Road Development Strategy study. One of the objectives will be to review alternative access options for Carters Road. The study has identified that additional connector roads to Tall Timbers Road and Chain Valley Bay Road will ease congestion at the Carters Road intersection. Council is also undertaking works in Carters Road that are expected to alleviate parking concerns.

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