This public exhibition has now concluded.

As part of Council’s continued effort to deliver consistent policies for the whole region, five draft consolidated policies are now on public exhibition for the community to review and submit comments. 

This forms part of the ongoing program to review 68 policies from the Environment and Planning Directorate in order to consolidate all former Wyong Shire Council or Gosford City Council policies following the amalgamation. 

During the review process, where policies are found to have ongoing relevance, they are being updated and consolidated to ensure a single policy exists for the Central Coast Local Government Area (LGA) and where policies are determined to be no longer relevant or obsolete, they are recommended for revocation.

The following draft policies are now on public exhibition for a 42-day period from Monday 14 September until Thursday 29 October 2020 to provide the community with an opportunity to review and submit comments:

  1. Temporary Licensing of a Trade or Business on Open Space Areas Policy
  2. Events on Open Space Areas Policy
  3. Tree Vandalism Management Policy
  4. Keeping of Animals Policy
  5. Smoke-free Outdoor Public Places Policy

The community were invited to find out more and have your their say on each policy, by:

  • Viewing the draft policies (available in the document library below)
  • Viewing the Frequently Asked Questions (available below)
  • Providing feedback via the online submission form (now closed), or
  • Sending a submission to, or PO Box 20, Wyong NSW, 2259

Submissions and feedback were accepted until  5pm Thursday 29 October 2020

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which allows for possible access to certain public and personal documentation. View our privacy statement.


Draft Temporary Licensing of a Trade or Business on Open Space Areas Policy

This draft policy guides Council in the management of temporary licensing of open space areas for commercial usage, such as stand-up paddle board hire operators, personal trainers and fitness group operators and surf schools. 

The policy provides formal guidelines for undertaking a trade or business on open space areas in the LGA, to ensure ecologically sustainable use and protection of these area, fair and sustainable use of these areas as well as the safety and wellbeing of the community.

The policy supports existing application processes and guidelines on the Council website (Outdoor permits).

This draft policy is primarily based upon a former Gosford City Council Policy and the intent remains the same.   The draft policy does not change fees and charges and does not vary any temporary measures related to COVID-19 that may be in place.

View the draft policy



Draft Events on Open Space Areas Policy

This draft policy guides Council in the management of event bookings of open space areas for externally run events, such as weddings, markets and entertainment. 

The draft policy sets out formal guidelines for undertaking events on open space areas in the local government area, to ensure fair and sustainable use of these areas and the safety and wellbeing of the community.

The policy supports existing application processes and guidelines on the Council website. The draft policy does not change fees and charges and does not vary any temporary measures related to COVID-19 that may be in place.

The draft Events on Open Space Policy is primarily based upon three former Gosford City Council Policies and the intent remains the same. These policies were:

  • Temporary Events and Activities on Open Space
  • Special Events on Open Space Areas
  • Circus Performances

View the draft policy



Draft Tree Vandalism Management Policy

The purpose of the updated policy is to provide a consistent approach across the LGA in deterring and responding to the vandalism of trees and vegetation on both private and Council owned or managed land.  

This policy provides the following benefits:

  • It empowers staff to deploy appropriate management techniques (e.g. signage) with Council endorsement
  • Policy could be a deterrent in its own right

This policy is based on the Regional Tree and Vegetation Vandalism Policy that was developed by the Hunter Joint Organisation (of Councils), due to increasing tree/vegetation vandalism being experienced by councils across the region.

This policy will replace the former Regional Tree Vegetation Vandalism Policy of Gosford City Council.

It provides a consistent approach to management of tree vandalism across the whole of the Central Coast LGA both in terms of compliance as well as other actions or deterrence. No such policy existed in the former Wyong local government area.

View the draft policy

View the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Draft Keeping of Animals Policy

The policy aims to provide minimum standards for the keeping of animals in the LGA, particularly in residential areas.

This Policy does not include the keeping of dogs and cats as they are managed under the Companion Animals Act which sets out specific criteria for the keeping of companion animals.

The policy includes an “Advisory Table” which provides a guide to appropriate numbers for keeping of animals (e.g. poultry, caged birds, bee hives, rabbits).

Council may consider these numbers when required to address any impact created by the keeping of any animal species.

The numbers included in the Advisory table are the same as those provided for in the former Wyong Shire Council Policy. It is noted that the former Gosford City Council did not have such a policy.

The policy aligns closely with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993, the key change is the inclusion of the Advisory table which provides a guide to the numbers for keeping of animals.

View the draft policy

View the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Draft Smoke-Free Outdoor Public Places Policy

This policy seeks to protect members of the community from the health and social impacts of smoking by others in public places.

The policy identifies where smoking is banned in outdoor public spaces (beyond those listed by the Smoke-free Environment Act 2000) to include:

  1. Natural Areas (e.g. bushland, foreshores)
  2. Sportsgrounds
  3. Parks
  4. Areas of Cultural Significance

The Policy also tries to better mitigate the impacts of smoking on the environment through litter, as well as reduce the risk of bush fire ignition in our natural areas.

View the draft policy

View the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



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Who's listening

Who's listening
David Norbury - Temporary Licensing of a Trade or Business on Open Space Areas Policy
Maureen Wilson - Events on Open Space Areas Policy
Scott Irwin - Tree Vandalism Management Policy
Shann Mitchell - Keeping of Animals Policy
Smoke-Free Outdoor Public Places Policy - Luke Sulkowski

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