The Central Coast Green Grid: Our Place has been adopted.

Central Coast Council worked with community and agency stakeholders to inform the development of the draft Central Coast Green Grid: Our Place (Green Grid) strategy which was on public exhibition between 7 October and 7 November 2021.

The Green Grid was developed to improve urban ecosystems, biodiversity, resilience, urban amenity and connectivity between public spaces and is guided by six overarching aims: 

  1. Facilitate the development of appropriate technical specifications for effective implementation
  2. Actions identified in the overarching Green Grid must be sympathetic to the aims of the other six grids: 
    • Recreational Grid: aims to improve connectivity, accessibility and quality of open space
    • Ecological Grid: aims to maintain ecological processes on the Central Coast
    • Hydrological Grid: aims to protect and enhance natural waterways and coastline
    • Agricultural Grid: aims to identify and support key agricultural and rural areas to strengthen production and connection to our agricultural lands and encourage the maintenance of the rural landscape character
    • Cultural Grid: aims to conserve and interpret areas and items of cultural significance
    • Transport and Public Domain Grid: aims to provide green active transport corridors for more sustainable, active and connected local centres
  3. Improving the liveability and walkability of local centres
  4. Improving climate resilience 
  5. Supporting ecologically sustainable development
  6. Ensuring the Green Grid projects are complementary to the aims of other grids, in that the values of other grids are not compromised through completely non sympathetic projects 

The Central Coast Green Grid is the first of its kind for regional NSW and aligns with the Great Public Spaces, One Central Coast (CSP), the interim Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020-2036 (LSPS), the Central Coast Regional Plan 2016-2036 and the recently adopted Central Coast Greener Places Strategy. The Green Grid will be used to inform the upcoming Street Design Manual and Landscape Construction Specification which are focused on implementation at the detailed design and delivery stages across all development. 

The community were invited to: 

Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer between 7 October and 7 November 2021 via: 

Something you need to know: Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009 (GIPA ACT), members of the public can seek access to the submissions and council cannot give assurance that the document will remain confidential.

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Central Coast Green Grid: Our Place adopted

Who's listening

Who's listening
Chris McLean – Centres Planning and Urban Design

What is the purpose of the Green Grid? 

The Central Coast Green Grid Plan has been developed to improve urban ecosystems, biodiversity resilience, urban amenity and connectivity, between public spaces for the benefit of the Central Coast community, over the next 20 years, the Plan was developed with funding from the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program and was developed internally by Council.

Green space is a key hallmark of liveability in urban areas. This plan aims to improve the overall ‘liveability’ of the region, where natural areas are preserved and enhanced, and our public spaces are quality, enjoyable places to use. The Plan will shape the built environment to ensure that the Central Coast remains one of Australia’s most distinctive ecologically diverse and liveable regions.

Council already has lots of Masterplans and other documents, do we really need another one?

The Green Grid Plan will incorporate prepared documents into a single source where the integration among the documents can be clearly understood.  

How has the Green Grid been developed? 

During the development of the Green Grid plan Council engaged with NSW Government agencies such as National Parks, along with interest groups with varying interests such as bushwalking, mountain biking and property development.

Information from guiding strategies (Great Public Spaces, One Central Coast (CSP), the interim Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020-2036 (LSPS), the Central Coast Regional Plan 2016-2036 and the recently adopted Central Coast Greener Places Strategy) was also used to inform the Central Coast Green Grid: Our Place strategy. 

Who will fund the identified Green Grid Plan projects? 

Projects identified within the Green Grid will be funded through a mixture of internal Council funds (for projects on Council land), internal Government agency funds (for projects on other Government agency land) or through grant funding. For each project, an economic assessment will be made to determine the cost benefit of each project.

How can I have my say on the draft Green Grid? 

Between 7 October and 7 November the community could provide a submission via: 

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