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Central Coast Council prepared the draft Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025 which will replace the existing Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2018-2021.

The Destination Management Plan is a guiding document that establishes a shared vision and goals to ensure the long-term strength, success and sustainability of the Central Coast visitor economy.

The draft Plan was informed by independent research and analysis as well as consultation with industry representatives, community groups, businesses, Council and Government stakeholders.

The local community’s voice was important in the finalisation of the Plan, with interested residents and businesses encouraged to view the draft Plan and provide feedback.  

The community were invited to view the draft Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025 and have their say between 25 November to 22 December 2021.

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Submissions were to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr David Farmer by 5pm 22 December 2021 via: 

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Final Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025 is adopted by Council

Who's listening

Who's listening
Rebecca Ius - Team Leader Marketing and Tourism

What is a Destination Management Plan?

A Destination Management Plan is a guiding document that establishes a shared vision and goals, includes a range of strategies, actions and priority projects that will ensure the long-term strength, success and sustainability of a destination and their visitor economy.

Both the State and Federal Governments have identified a well-developed DMP as a key requirement for accessing future investment and grant opportunities. 

Why do we need a Central Coast Destination Management Plan 2022-2025?

Best practice Destination Management is a holistic process that ensures tourism adds value to the economy, social fabric and ecology of our communities. Tourism can be an economic driver, generating jobs and contributing vibrant lifestyle benefits to our community. But equally tourism needs to be managed to ensure that it leaves a positive legacy for current and future generations. 

Importantly the tourism sector needs to ensure that it is considered in the broader context of regional development and that it is recognised for its overall contribution and economic value to the region.

To be effective, destination planning, development and marketing activity must be based on research, consultation, and the needs of the consumer. Hence the Destination Management Plan will be a guiding document for the success and sustainability of the Central Coast visitor economy.

How have stakeholders been consulted in the development of the draft Plan?

To ensure a shared vision and collaborative approach to the development of this Plan, stakeholder engagements were undertaken by Urban Enterprise on behalf Council, including 1 to 1 stakeholder engagements, Council and industry workshops, and a business and community online survey.

The engagements were undertaken virtually via videoconferencing, across August and September 2021, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Outside of stakeholder engagement, what else has informed the draft Plan?

This Plan is informed by independent research and analysis (see Appendix A in the Plan for documents reviewed).

It also has been reviewed to align with key State Government strategic visitor economy policies and plans - The NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030, the Statewide DMP (2019), and the DSSN DMP (2018 and 2022).

Who has written the Plan?

Specialist tourism strategy agency Urban Enterprise -

Who will action the recommendations of the plan?

Stakeholder roles have been identified for each project action, including both the leading stakeholder and the supporting/enabling stakeholders. 

It is intended that Council may be required to initiate a number of identified projects and lead their direction, however initiatives may be delivered in partnership with industry, State Government and other partners.

Grant opportunities have been identified where applicable, for both Central Coast Council and Industry to apply for if available. 

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